Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Work at EMI - God is Active Here in Uganda

This year has been going quickly. I can hardly believe it is already almost November. The year has been full of changes for me. Many of these changes have happened outside of my work at EMI and my communications have been focused there. So I thought I would give you a glimpse of what I am working on in the office. 

We moved into our new office building two months ago and are starting to feel settled. You can take a tour of the building here

This term has been a bit different as I have been working on five smaller projects instead of one large one. I am also doing less production work and guiding our interns to do the production work instead. It has been a different time at work and I find it challenging at times. But we have a great team in the office this term, highlighted by seven wonderful interns. Work is progressing well and it is exciting to see what God has been doing through the different ministries we are partnered with.

Here are the five ministries and projects I am currently working on. You can check out their websites if you want to know more of what they are doing.

Music For Life (African Children’s Choir) Choir Training Centre 

EMI has partnered with Music For Life for a number of years to help develop their primary school site here in Uganda. We are currently preparing drawings for a choir training center to house and train the African Children’s choir before going on tour.
Music For Life Choir Training Centre
 Here is the vision of Music For Life from their website

“Our mission to help Africa’s most vulnerable children today so they can help Africa tomorrow extends much further than sponsoring the Choir children through their education.

The African Children’s Choir are the ambassadors for the millions of suffering children back home in Africa, and funds raised on tour not only go towards the education of each touring Choir child but also to the continuing efforts of our fundraising organization, Music for Life.

Music for Life works in Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya, South Sudan, South Africa, Nigeria and Ghana to improve the lives, education and futures of thousands of suffering children living in unthinkable environments.

The African Children’s Choir and Music for Life have so far educated over 50,000 children in our 29 year history, and have helped a further 100,000 children through our relief and education projects.”

Empower School 

We are working with Empower African Children and Music For Life to develop a secondary school campus in Uganda. The design drawings are finished and we are preparing construction documents to hopefully begin construction early next year.
Empower School Classroom Block
Here is the vision of Empower African Children from their website

“The future of Africa will be determined by its children and that’s why we believe the best investment we can make is in the youth. The result? A movement of passionate young adults prepared with the skills and courage to shape a better future for their country and for the world.

We believe that a transformative education matched with global connections is the key to preparing students for a lifetime of influence.

There is nothing basic about our Scholarship Program. We provide our scholars with the high quality education, experiences, and resources needed to become global citizens and agents of positive change.”

Oasis Primary School 

EMI is working with Oasis Uganda to develop a primary school in Eastern Uganda. We are helping them to plan their site and develop drawings to build a classroom block and some pit latrines.

Existing School Campus
 Here is a glimpse of the work Oasis is doing in Uganda and in the community where the school is.

“We have three projects working in communities in Uganda. We work intensively in the area around the location of the projects. We believe that we can change the community for the better by helping the community help themselves to develop and improve their own homes, businesses and smallholdings.”

Beersheba Community Development Programme, Musoto, Mbale. Located in the small but growing and important town of Mbale in the East of Uganda. The project works with a very poor community which has a reliance on income from making an alcoholic spirit. We have worked here for 10 years and have seen much fruit from our work here. We concentrate on Agricultural training teaching and developing simple and effective ways of growing with the most yield. We run community savings projects, health training and social work. We also have a large and growing football project with many teams who compete amongst themselves and with teams from other communities. We use "Tackle Africa" resource for teaching HIV awareness through the medium of football.”

Cherish Uganda

EMI has a continuing partnership with Cherish Uganda. We recently designed and construction a health clinic to serve the community near their site. We are working on a number of small project to make their childrens’ homes and clinic function better.

Cherish Hope Health Clinic

Akaloosa Village Childrens' Home
It is exciting to see the work that is being done at Cherish, here is a snapshot of the ministry from their website.

“Cherish Uganda is a faith-based response to orphaned and vulnerable children living with HIV. We hope to restore life and create hope for HIV positive children in Uganda. 

At Cherish Uganda, we provide home-based care in loving families for children who need to be rescued. Our efforts and trust-based partnerships are helping transform communities where a high prevalence of HIV and poverty co-exist. We are raising our youth with an anthem of hope, and encouraging our community to step to the beat as we dream to change the story of HIV/AIDS in Uganda. 

We are based in Bulega Village in Wakiso District, Uganda.  The work of Cherish Uganda begins with Akaloosa Village, where the HOPE  Principles (Healthcare, Love, Prosperity & Education) are being modeled in one place to demonstrate that if children living with HIV/AIDS are cherished, they can embrace futures of promise.  Currently, we have over 50 children living on-site in our Akaloosa Village, where they live in homes headed by Uganda house mothers, receive the necessary medical attention and grow up in an environment flooded with the love of Jesus.  We desire to disciple the children living on-site with the message of the Gospel and raise up future leaders.  It is our hope that Akaloosa Village will be the foundation on which we can advocate for and be a voice for children living with HIV/AIDS.  

Cherish Uganda is also the home of Hope Academy.  This is our primary school that educates the children living in Akaloosa Village, as well as the most vulnerable children living in the surrounding communities that lack access to education.  We believe that every child should be cherished and supported with the essentials to achieving their dreams.  Hope Academy strives to afford such opportunities to vulnerable individuals and embrace the privilege of sharing the Gospel through education.  

The newest development at Cherish Uganda is our Hope Hospital.  This is our response to the community around us living with high-risk conditions such as HIV/AIDS, malnutrition, malaria and tuberculosis.  It will also provide the necessary medical attention and healthcare required of the kids living on-site who are HIV positive.  We believe that the Lord will be faithful in making this dream a reality.”

Word In Deed Resource Centre

EMI is partnering with Word In Deed to develop a resource/community centre in a rural community east of Kampala. They are partnered with the local church in the community to help development and to bring light and the gospel.

Here is a summary of the vision for the resource centre we are helping to develop.

“Word In Deed Ministries recently purchased a track of land within walking distance to the Ntenjeru Presbyterian Church and Clinic. Our goal is to have a Resource Center that can be a multi-use facility for the surrounding villages. We foresee it as a place for community growth and expansion where there can be group gatherings and educational seminars for locals and for visiting educators and pastors. The ultimate goal is to offer training classes (i.e., secretarial, sewing, God’s Way of Farming, carpentry, business management, computer training, adult education in reading and writing) to local villagers seeking to learn skills allowing them to earn incomes to support their families, teaching them to fish, not just giving them a fish to eat.  We also intend to have residential facilities for missionaries to live, both short-term and long term. This is a long term project and requires dedicated focus and commitment.”

-Please pray that God would be glorified and his kingdom would be spread through each of these projects, that lives would be changed as people hear the good news of God’s great love.

-Also it is easy for us (me) to get focused on the work in front of us and to miss out of what God wants to do in our lives and the lives of those around us. We want to be diligent in the work before us, but God is much more interested in relationship than in works. Please pray with me that all that God desires to do in the hearts of the people at EMI would be accomplished.

Thank you for your support and encouragement. I pray that you are encouraged by what God is doing around me here in Uganda but also that today you see what God is doing right where you are.

Have a great day.

Monday, September 28, 2015


This year has been a year of transitions for me in most areas of life. In August at EMI we focused our morning devotions on transitions.

Our office shifted location a month ago, see some pictures below. This was a big deal for us. Our office has been in the same neighbourhood for the past 12 years and we are shift to a location about 40 minutes away. The majority of our community has been living within walking distance and now we are spread across 5 communities over an hours drive. We moved from a duplex in a residential area of town to a beautiful office building that we are currently constructing. I was involved in the building design. We are sharing an office space with another organization, MAF. This move is going to change the way EMI functions as an organization and as a community, some of this I am looking forward to and other parts I am not.
EMI and MAF's new office building

Bridge to EMI's entrance at the front of the building

Lunch room

Atrium with lunchroom in background

Atrium with MAF's entrance in background

Conference room - during intern orientation

I am not moving out of the community I am in now, though the Joshua home did shift locations the same time the office moved. We are still in the same area but a new community. This means that my 10 minute drive became a 40 minute drive. Our office hours will be moving up half an hour so I have been getting up earlier.

As we focused our devotion time on transitions, some of the thoughts we talked about is: there is a time and season for everything, God is sovereign and He loves us so we can trust Him in the transition, even if we are not looking forward to the change we can still find things to praise God for, God desires to grow us so we should view change in that light. This time together was helpful to begin processing this transition as a community. It is going to take time to adjust to these changes.

This got me thinking about all the changes that have happened in my life in the past few years. It feels like life has been a constant state of transition. In the past 10 years I have moved houses 19 times. I have lived in 3 different countries. I have worked at 10 different companies. This year Uganda really became my home, I never pictured home being anywhere outside of Canada. Ashley and I started dating, got engaged and are getting married at the end of the year. I now live in a transition home with 5 Ugandans. The changes don`t look like they are going to stop anytime soon.

I have somewhat gotten used to changes, but I don`t really like them. I enjoy routine. I enjoy familiar. I enjoy the comfortable. But what I realize as I look back on the changes that have happened in my life is that change is often good for me. Change has led to the majority of growth in my life and cause me to mature. Change has brought me deeper into my relationship with God. God has used change to remind me that I can`t do life without Him. So while I don`t usually enjoy the changes, I can look forward to how I am going to change through them.

Something I have been reflecting on lately is Jesus call for us to follow him. He doesn`t give each of us a road map for life and set us loose to follow it. He leads us through life one step at a time. He didn`t tell me that I would go to elementary school, then to high school, then move away from my parents to go to university, then I would travel for a few months, then get a job and move to Toronto for a few years, then I would do an internship with EMI in the UK, then come back to Canada for a few months, then move to Uganda for a year, then come to Canada for 4 months, then move to Uganda for a few years, live with some young men, get married and settle in Uganda. If He had told me all that I don`t know if I would have come along. My life is nowhere near where I would have planned. But I have gotten here by following Jesus one step at a time. I am glad where I am, life is full and has a richness that it didn`t before.

One of the lessons that I have been learning is that while we follow God and are obedient to him our attitude is important. We can grudgingly follow him and it will feel like a chore. Or we can choose to follow him with joy. In Philippians 4 Paul tells us that we can be content in all situations, that is something God promises us. We can choose the joy he has set before us or we can sulk. Being joyful in difficult circumstances in not natural. But joy is the fruit of having God's Spirit. It doesn't depend on our external circumstances. Choosing joy has made a huge difference to enjoying this season of life.

-moving houses has been a positive change for the Joshua home.
-we have a great community and family here in Uganda.
-we have a great group of 7 interns this term, they bring energy and excitement.
-EMI has a beautiful new office building.
-Ashley and I are getting excited about our upcoming marriage. This season has been one of preparation as we deepen our friendship and love for each other. Time together is refreshing and energizing for both of us, especially as this is a busy season of life for both of us.

Prayer Requests:
-life is busy. I find it challenging to balance two jobs, relationships in multiple countries, preparing for marriage. Life has been tiring lately.
-for the guys at the Joshua home as they adjust to a new neighbourhood and additional responsibilities.
-wisdom for myself on how to engage at the Joshua home.
-that Ashley and I would prepare well for marriage and for planning our wedding and all the activities surrounding the wedding but mostly that our relationship, wedding and marriage would glorify God and shine his light.
-this term at EMI my responsibilities are more managing other people than doing the work myself. This is a new experience for me. It is easy to focus on tasks and forget to love people.
-I am finding it easy to focus on tasks,to do list and results and I forget that relationships and people are more important.

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

This is my life.

I haven't written an update in a while, not for lack of things to write about. The other day I was reflecting on my life and realized how different it is then I ever planned. So I will try to give you some snapshots of my life. I also haven't been good at taking pictures, I will try to get take some soon.

-The seasons in Uganda are dry and rainy, there is no such thing as spring, summer, fall or winter here.

-I work for two ministries here. As a structural engineer for Engineering Ministries International. And as a house uncle for Doors Ministries. I never planned to work for a ministry.

-I raise support from friends and family to cover my salary and other expenses. I always thought I 
would support myself through my job.

-I live in a house with a Ugandan man (another uncle, Joseph, started a month ago) and four Ugandan teenagers. I never thought my first parenting type role would be with teenagers or Ugandans. It is a joy at times and it is very challenging at other times. I hadn't ever thought about how to raise kids or disciple before, but I am constantly thinking about it now.

-I was called into the head teacher's (principal's) office last week to discuss of one of my boys behaviour at school because she told me that I was the parent. In the mornings sometimes I get asked to sign homework slips for the boys under the heading parent's signature.

-I cook on a charcoal stove, take cold showers, wash my dishes with soap and piece of rice sack, wash my clothes by hand in a basin.

-The power is on more often than not, same with the water, but it is not surprising or worrisome if either if off.

-I ride my motorcycle each day to work, on the left side of the road.

-I get called by various names throughout the week, some familiar, some that I never knew existed. Matt, Matthew, Matty Matt, Uncle Matt, Mukeka (the Luganda word for floor mat, the boys call me that sometimes), smart phone (some of the younger boys calls me that because I have a simple phone that cannot do much more that make phone calls. They think I should get a smart phone), Muzungu (white person)

-My fiancee is from USA. If you haven't heard yet I am engaged to Ashley, who also works at Doors. You may not have even heard that I was dating someone. We have been engaged for about a month now, we dated for a little less that two months before that, we had been friends for about a year. We are going to get married in Canada this December, then return back to Uganda and live here until God brings us somewhere else. It has been exciting to see how God has brought us together and how the paths of our lives are converging. It has been confirmed to us in numerous ways that this is from God. Ashley is a wonderful gift from God. I couldn't be happier share my life with anyone else.

Most of these snapshots are things I never saw myself doing. If five years ago I could have seen what my life is now, I would not have believed it. Sometimes even now I don't comprehend how different my life is. But I am content with my life. I would not change it, not because my life is so exciting or happy, though it is at times. My life is also hard and challenging too. I wouldn't change my life because my life is full and abundant. This is the life that Jesus promises us he came to give (John 10:10). I have peace and joy even when life is difficult. I am walking through life with Jesus, I would not have it any other way. I pray that when I look at my life five years from now I can say the same thing. God has been so good to me.

Prayer Requests:
-That God would give me love and patience for the boys that I live with. Last we at EMI our devotions were on 1 John which talks a lot about love and Sunday the sermon was about loving according to the bible. It has been convicted for me that I don’t always have an attitude of love for the boys when I am frustrated. It has been exciting to see God changing that attitude already.

-Wisdom for myself and Joseph on how God would have us lead our house. It is beyond my experience so God needs to be directing us and giving me wisdom. I am thankful for Peter, one of the uncles at another house who has shared a lot of wisdom and insight with me as he has lived in a similar place.

-At EMI our office has a very full workload and we have a family that is suddenly leaving next week due to a family medical situation. This doesn’t surprise God but his workload will be spread to people who are already busy. Pray that God gives the strength and efficiency we need and that we wouldn’t lose focus of him during the busyness.

-Ashley and I have really enjoyed growing closer in our relationship. It has been exciting to see God clearly leading us together and preparing us for this season of life. We also feel like God has given us an opportunity to shine his light to the people around us through our relationship. Some of our community has not seen what a healthy relationship can look like.

-Ashley and I are trying to plan a wedding in Canada from Uganda. We aren’t very particular about the details, but more desire to celebrate with friends and family and glorify God.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Something New (or it feels like everything is new)

I have been back in Uganda for just over three weeks. It feels much longer. I find that time is that way when changes are happening and I haven't yet settled into a routine. So after three weeks it feels like three months.

Change is a funny thing. There are parts that are exciting and at the same time there are parts that are scary. One side of me welcomes the changes seeing the good that is going to come out of it, then a minute later I think that I am okay the way things are and I don't really want to change. I am comfortable with the familiar.

Last year after I decided that I was going to stay in Uganda longer. I felt God telling me that life was going to be different when I returned. I was okay with that, a little change is good. When I was back in Canada someone told me that life would be different when I returned to Uganda. I thought to myself I already know that. Little did I know how much change would happen. It feels like nothing is the same for me here in Uganda. I am still working at EMI, but my role/job description has expanded. I am living in a different neighbourhood. I am no longer living on my own, but living in a house with four Ugandan teenage boys, this has been a big change. As part of stepping into an uncle role at the house I have stepped back from many of the things that I was doing before, so my weekly routine has changed. I am attending a different church. I have even changed offices at work. There are several other dramatic changes that are just happening that I am not going to share about now.

Despite all these changes that have happened in the past few weeks, when I think about what my life is going to look like a year from now I have a strong feeling that it is going to be very different from what it is now. And I am okay with it. My feelings and emotion fluctuate as I am processing some of these changes and potential changes. But I am okay with it. Even with all of the uncertainty of life ahead, I know who God is. I know that he loves me and has good plans for me. I know that he will be walking with me in this and all I need to do is follow.

Yesterday at church the sermon was on knowing God's will for my life. This is a much broader thing than we tend to think. If we believe that the bible is God's word then anything it says regarding how we should live is God's will. I don't need to pray about whether or not to do something if God has clearly talked about it in his word. When Jesus was asked what the greatest commandment was he replied that we need to love God with everything we have, with our entire being, all our heart, soul, mind and strength. And we are to love our neighbour as our self. I can use this criteria to determine how I should act. If I am going to do something that is not loving my neighbour then it is against God's will for my life. If I want to do something that does not love God then it is against his will. God will not ask or desire for me to do something that is against his word.

But what about the choices we have between two things that are in agreement with God's word. How do we decide what to do? Does it matter which choice we make? With all the changes ahead of me how do I know if it is part of God's will for my life? After Jesus rose from the dead he said that he was going away so that the helper, the Holy Spirit, would come to us. God's Spirit is active in me, he guides me. In the midst of all the changes that are happening in my life, I have a deep feeling of peace. At times on the surface I am full of questions, my emotions and feelings tell me that these changes are crazy, I am not sure this is what I signed up for, I shake my head in disbelief at what is happening. But deep down I am feeling great. I have joy and peace and I am excited where God is leading me. The changes that have or will occur have been confirmed/affirmed by other people. It is not only me who is thinking these things, other people are telling me too. And God has been opening and closing different doors. Many of these new things would not have been my first choice, some of them would not have even been a consideration. But it has been clear that God has been preparing the way for me, both internally and in my external circumstances.

So I am excited about the adventure that God has before me. He is a good Father and desires good things for me. I am grateful for all the new things ahead of me.

Praise God for his faithfulness,

Prayer Requests:

-God is at work
-We had a new group of interns arrive at EMI this week. We are excited to have them
-I feel very settled amidst all of the changes in life
-There have been a lot of changes at Doors in the past month. God has been doing some cool things. Four new boys have joined the other house.
-I am happy that school starts this week for the boys that I am living with. The haven't always known what to do with the free time.
-New project are starting at work.

-One of the main role as an uncle in the Joshua home is to continue discipleship with the young men I am living with. I have been wrestling with how to do this. The plan is to start meeting individually with each of the boys on a weekly basis to share how life is going. This was well received by three of the boys, not so well by the fourth. I plan to start this week. Pray that God would use that time to grow each of us closer to him.
-Pray for deeper relationships with the boys I am living with.
-Pray for deepening relationships as I settle into life longer term here is Uganda. There have been some encouraging things happening already. I am missing close relationships with male friends as I have fewer of those here.
-With all of the new things happening in my life it is easy for me to lose focus on God and instead focus on what he is doing. I don't ever want to desire the things that God does more than him.

Monday, January 12, 2015

My First Couple of Weeks Back

I have been back in Uganda for a little more than a week. After a day of travel I arrived back in Kampala. I was warmly welcomed at the airport by some good friends. After temporarily moving back into my apartment I went to hang out at Doors for the evening. I was warmly welcomed there. It has been great to see all the boys and the leaders. I missed them a lot while I was away.

The first Sunday our team at EMI had a potluck dinner to catch up and meet a new family that will be joining us later this year. They were visiting for a few days to check out the office and Uganda. I have received a warm welcome in many different places.

I have been able to slowly get back into the swing of things. But last week has felt like I was in limbo. At work I don’t have any design projects on my plate right now so I have been catching up and waiting for things to start up again. I moved back into my apartment for a week but I was waiting to shift over to Doors.

On Wednesday I had a meeting at Doors, first with some of the leadership and then with the boys that I am living with. We talked about how the house is going to run, the rules and responsibilities for the boys. It was a long meeting, about five hours. But it was good for me to start into my new role there; although there are occasional thoughts of ‘what am I getting myself into.’ On Saturday I moved in to my new place and got settled. So after a couple of days things are going fine. We will see what the next year holds. There are lots of new things this year that would concern me more but I know that God is with me through all of it. 

Here are some pictures of my new accommodations.

My room that I will be sharing with the other uncle.

Our living room, the boys room is through the door.

The front of our house.

The front of our house.

The courtyard between the two houses on the compound. The other house in the compound will be used as the school for all the boys at Doors. Our house is on the left.

The back of our house.

The entrance to our compound.

The front of the school house. Our house is behind.

This is staff week at EMI. We have meetings each day to look back over the past year and to talk about the year ahead. Today we discussed the vision for EMI as well as the vision for our office in Uganda. I am excited about the year ahead. There is a lot of transition happening in my life, at EMI and at Doors. I am excited to see where God is going to lead it all.

Prayer Points

-I returned to Uganda fully supported. It has been great to see God provide abundantly.

-I have felt very welcomed back to Uganda. A reminder of the great community I have here

-My time back in Canada the past four months was very fruitful, more than I anticipated. Originally it felt like an interruption to the work that I am doing here in Uganda. But as I look back over this time, I can see that I am in a healthier position to continue serving here. God has again shown me that his plans are better than mine.

-I have been a little sick the past few days, nothing serious, but it has been annoying

-I have a lot of new responsibilities on my plate at EMI and at Doors. I don’t feel equipped to do some of them, but I believe that God is leading me there and will provide the strength that I need each day.

-I am trying to establish a new routine with all the changes that have happened since I returned. So I am trying to discern what I should continue doing and what should change. One of those things is where I go to church, whether to go where I was before or to go where the remainder of Doors goes.

-While talking with different people about my role at Doors they have raised concerns about my wellbeing and getting enough time to look after my needs. I am not sure what that is going to look like. I ask for wisdom to find that balance.

-Doors is still looking for a second uncle to live in the house with me and share the responsibilities, we will also be sharing a room. In the interim one of the uncles at the other house with be helping me out.

May you be aware of God’s nearness today,