Typical December weather |
My work permit was approved a couple of weeks ago which means I can stay for the full year. That is an answer to prayers, getting a work permit is not always easy in Uganda. I am thankful that we have someone in our office, Semei, who takes care of most of the details and make the many trips to immigration and the bank.
I celebrated my first American thanksgiving with some of my American friends here. (I also celebrated Canadian thanksgiving with some Canadian and American friends, there is a lot to be thankful for). It was an enjoyable evening with a mixture of traditional American thanksgiving food (turkey, pumpkin pie, mashed potatoes) and Ugandan food (beans and rice, cassava). It was good to reflect on what God has been doing in my life and what I have to be thankful for.
I went to Jinja a couple of weeks ago with a few of the interns. We stayed at a camp on the Nile River. It was beautiful, relaxing and nice to get out of the city.
View of the Nile from the camp near Jinja |
I missed a family Christmas gathering in Canada this past weekend and will miss another one this upcoming weekend. As the Jackson were sharing about their experience in Uganda with EMI the past year, one of the biggest blessings for them was to be welcomed into a loving Christian 'family', having not experienced that before. As I reflected on that I was again reminded of the huge blessing that my extended family is. There is a loving, close knit, caring family on both my mom and dad's side. I will miss not being home for Christmas. But it has been a blessing to come to a community here that has welcomed me and loves me. I have had multiple offers for Christmas meals and I was surrounded by people this weekend I was reminded that God is good and his family, my family is there where ever I go.
I have been spending a lot of time at Doors Ministries. Doors operates a primary school in a nearby slum, a women's ministry, and a home where boys who were formerly living on the street live. I have been going to the boys house a couple of nights a week to lead bible study and spend time with the boys. These boys have been off the street for almost two years now and it is amazing to see what God has done in their lives.
Bible study at Doors |
Fred, one of the boys at Doors, and me |
I have been struggling with motivation lately. There are a number of things that I need to do both at work and outside of work that I have not felt like doing. I have to find a place to live in January. My dad and brother are coming to visit after Christmas and I had to organize some of the logistics of that. I have been meaning to write this update for a while now and haven't gotten around to it. But this week has been good as I have checked some of those things off the list.
That is all for now, there is more that I would like to share and will do so at a later time, hopefully not too much later. But as an overall update, life is good. I am enjoying my time here. I am surrounded by a great community. Thank you for spending the time to read this.
Prayer Requests:
Housing - I am house sitting for a family that had to return to US due to medical conditions with their parents. It has been a blessing to have some space. They return the first week of January so I need to find a place. I went looking on Monday with a broker but there what was there was not quite what I was looking for, even though I don't have a clear idea of what I am looking for, most of the places were larger than I needed and as a result more than I wanted to pay. The one place I was interested in the tenant decided to stay so it is no longer available.
Edith, one of the Ugandan staff at EMI passed away last Friday from cancer. It was quite sudden as she was only in the hospital for a week and we found out that she had cancer throughout some of her organs the day before she died. She leaves behind three young children. She was such a nice lady, always happy with a big smile on her face. She will be missed.
Being away from Canada over Christmas will be tough. I love my friends and family back home. I am thankful for friends in Uganda to spend Christmas with. Pray that I would trust and seek God through this time.
Well that is all for now. Once again I would love to hear an update of how life is going with you.
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