Our office shifted location a month ago, see some pictures below. This was a big deal for us. Our office has been in the same neighbourhood for the past 12 years and we are shift to a location about 40 minutes away. The majority of our community has been living within walking distance and now we are spread across 5 communities over an hours drive. We moved from a duplex in a residential area of town to a beautiful office building that we are currently constructing. I was involved in the building design. We are sharing an office space with another organization, MAF. This move is going to change the way EMI functions as an organization and as a community, some of this I am looking forward to and other parts I am not.
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EMI and MAF's new office building |
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Bridge to EMI's entrance at the front of the building |
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Lunch room |
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Atrium with lunchroom in background |
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Atrium with MAF's entrance in background |
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Conference room - during intern orientation |
I am not moving out of the community I am in now, though the Joshua home did shift locations the same time the office moved. We are still in the same area but a new community. This means that my 10 minute drive became a 40 minute drive. Our office hours will be moving up half an hour so I have been getting up earlier.
As we focused our devotion time on transitions, some of the thoughts we talked about is: there is a time and season for everything, God is sovereign and He loves us so we can trust Him in the transition, even if we are not looking forward to the change we can still find things to praise God for, God desires to grow us so we should view change in that light. This time together was helpful to begin processing this transition as a community. It is going to take time to adjust to these changes.
This got me thinking about all the changes that have happened in my life in the past few years. It feels like life has been a constant state of transition. In the past 10 years I have moved houses 19 times. I have lived in 3 different countries. I have worked at 10 different companies. This year Uganda really became my home, I never pictured home being anywhere outside of Canada. Ashley and I started dating, got engaged and are getting married at the end of the year. I now live in a transition home with 5 Ugandans. The changes don`t look like they are going to stop anytime soon.
I have somewhat gotten used to changes, but I don`t really like them. I enjoy routine. I enjoy familiar. I enjoy the comfortable. But what I realize as I look back on the changes that have happened in my life is that change is often good for me. Change has led to the majority of growth in my life and cause me to mature. Change has brought me deeper into my relationship with God. God has used change to remind me that I can`t do life without Him. So while I don`t usually enjoy the changes, I can look forward to how I am going to change through them.
Something I have been reflecting on lately is Jesus call for us to follow him. He doesn`t give each of us a road map for life and set us loose to follow it. He leads us through life one step at a time. He didn`t tell me that I would go to elementary school, then to high school, then move away from my parents to go to university, then I would travel for a few months, then get a job and move to Toronto for a few years, then I would do an internship with EMI in the UK, then come back to Canada for a few months, then move to Uganda for a year, then come to Canada for 4 months, then move to Uganda for a few years, live with some young men, get married and settle in Uganda. If He had told me all that I don`t know if I would have come along. My life is nowhere near where I would have planned. But I have gotten here by following Jesus one step at a time. I am glad where I am, life is full and has a richness that it didn`t before.
One of the lessons that I have been learning is that while we follow God and are obedient to him our attitude is important. We can grudgingly follow him and it will feel like a chore. Or we can choose to follow him with joy. In Philippians 4 Paul tells us that we can be content in all situations, that is something God promises us. We can choose the joy he has set before us or we can sulk. Being joyful in difficult circumstances in not natural. But joy is the fruit of having God's Spirit. It doesn't depend on our external circumstances. Choosing joy has made a huge difference to enjoying this season of life.
-moving houses has been a positive change for the Joshua home.
-we have a great community and family here in Uganda.
-we have a great group of 7 interns this term, they bring energy and excitement.
-EMI has a beautiful new office building.
-Ashley and I are getting excited about our upcoming marriage. This season has been one of preparation as we deepen our friendship and love for each other. Time together is refreshing and energizing for both of us, especially as this is a busy season of life for both of us.
Prayer Requests:
-life is busy. I find it challenging to balance two jobs, relationships in multiple countries, preparing for marriage. Life has been tiring lately.
-for the guys at the Joshua home as they adjust to a new neighbourhood and additional responsibilities.
-wisdom for myself on how to engage at the Joshua home.
-that Ashley and I would prepare well for marriage and for planning our wedding and all the activities surrounding the wedding but mostly that our relationship, wedding and marriage would glorify God and shine his light.
-this term at EMI my responsibilities are more managing other people than doing the work myself. This is a new experience for me. It is easy to focus on tasks and forget to love people.
-I am finding it easy to focus on tasks,to do list and results and I forget that relationships and people are more important.